CCRCD Takes a Moment for Gratitude
Since the CCRCD newsletter is coming out the week of Thanksgiving, staff reflect on what they are grateful for especially during a challenging year.
Victor Briones: With Thanksgiving coming up, I have been reflecting on all of the things I am thankful for. There is plenty I am thankful for, but something that stands out to me is graduating from UC Santa Barbara. It took me a bit longer than I had expected, but the opportunities I had and the people I met while I was in school were some of the best. I am also thankful for having been hired as the Natural Resource Coordinator at the Colusa County Resource Conservation District (CCRCD). A lot of times, recent graduates have a hard time finding a job after college. COVID-19 has also made it even harder for some to find employment. Working at the CCRCD has given me the chance to apply the knowledge I gained from school and has taught me a lot about conservation management practices. Finally, I’m thankful for my family, friends, and my partner. With everyone’s support I was able to achieve my goals. They also continue to motivate me to better myself.
Liz Harper: I am grateful for the wildness and fun that my son, dog and new kitty continue to bring into my daily life from the moment they wake me up to the last bedtime story. I am grateful for long phone coversations, facetimes and marco polos with cousins, friends, brother and sister-in-law. I am so grateful for my parents continued support, encouragement and genuine love/acceptance for life "as it is". Finally, I am so grateful for my job. Breaking ground on our reforestation project this fall brought an incredible amount of hope that the CCRCD is doing meaningful work and can make a positive difference to the community of Colusa County. I have also treasured the time I got to spend out in the field, admiring the beauty of our productive and essential landscape. I am grateful for the simple things.