What is Carbon Farming?
CCRCD is going to find out! We have just started our first carbon farm plan in partnership with Davis Ranches, NRCS, Carbon Cycle Institute and California Association of Resource Conservation Districts. Carbon farming gained traction after soil health practices showed a measurable increase of soil carbon which was “harvested” out of the atmosphere. As carbon farming is a fairly new idea, CCRCD is seeing how these plans can benefit the farmer. A carbon farm plan is like an NRCS conservation plan with an added layer of being able to measure carbon and Greenhouse gas values that are either captured or offset by certain farm practices. Davis Ranch continues to be on the forefront of vetting conservation practices within a viable farm management model. A few carbon farm practices include: hedgerow planting, conservation crop rotation, no-till or reduced tillage, cover crops, compost application and prescribed grazing. Thus far partners and advisors on the plan have included Natural Resource Conservation Service, Yolo County RCD, CSU Chico’s Center for Regenerative Agriculture, The Freshwater Trust, Carbon Cycle Institute and California Association of Resource Conservation Districts.fe